Doorways of Northwest Florida, also known as the Hunger and Homeless Coalition, is the lead agency of the Northwest Florida Continuum of Care. Doorways functions as the Collaborative Applicant for funding, HMIS Lead, and the primary access point to coordinated entry to resources and referrals for direct client services.
Meet the Team
Mila Johnson: Coordinated Entry Specialist, Jessica Quick: Program Manager, Shelley Frazier: Outreach Specialist
Shawn Kieffer: Finance and Operations, Michael Thomas: Executive Director, Paige Kieffer: Homeless Information Management System Admin
Northwest Florida Continuum of Care (NWFL CoC)
The NWFL CoC is composed of representatives of organizations and community stakeholders who are committed to the shared goal of ending homelessness in the community.
CoC Membership
The Continuum of Care is a community based coalition of nonprofits, government agencies, community members, faith-based organizations, and other community stakeholders, working together with the shared goal of preventing and ending homelessness in Bay, Jackson, Calhoun, Gulf, and Washington County. Members of the CoC play an active role in the wellness of the community and homelessness response.
General CoC meetings are held on the 1st Wednesday of every month from 10:30- 1 at Grace Presbyterian Church located at 1415 Airport Rd, Panama City, FL 32405. Meetings consist of a presentation by the host agency and agency announcements, followed by a meal provided by the host agency. These meetings serve as an opportunity to get to know the community, network with community partners, and share resources. We hope to see you there!
General CoC Meeting Minutes
The Governance Board
The Governance Board is the main decision making body for the NWFL CoC and is responsible for:
- Oversees all the work of the CoC
- Approves written standards for CoC/ESG programs
- Approves ranked list of CoC project applications
- Approves CoC policy and procedures for coordinated entry
- Establishes Committees and workgroups
- Sets CoC goals and/or priorities
Meet the Board
Kim Yates, Panama City Housing Authority,
Jeannine Haney, Florida Therapy,
Rhonda Rose, Florida Dept. Of Corrections,
Derrick Robinson, BASIC NWFL,
Rocky Harrison, 90 Works,
Kay Daniel, Bay District Schools,
Jo Shaffer, Community Resource Associates,
Dewey Powell, Career Source,
Matt Standish, Bay County Vet Center,
Vivian Mohammed, Avicenna Clinic,